Stuart Ross

Recent Tree Appearances

February 28, 2017
Featured Reader
March 14, 2013
Featured Reader
July 24, 2012
Tree Seed Workshop

Earlier Tree Appearances


In Print

Buying Cigarettes for the Dog
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Videos of Stuart Ross

Featured Reader
February 28, 2017
Featured Reader
February 28, 2017
Featured Reader
February 23, 2010

Stuart Ross

A one man tour de force and farce, Stuart Ross is a surrealist and literary leader.
Stuart Ross is a Cobourg-based fiction writer, poet, editor, translator, and creative-writing instructor. He has been active in the Toronto literary scene since the mid-1970s. Stuart is the author of eleven full poetry collections, most recently A Sparrow Came Down Resplendant (A Buckrider Book, 2016), A Hamburger in a Gallery (DC Books, 2015); Our Days in Vaudeville (Mansfield Press, 2013), for which he collaborated with 29 other Canadian poets; and You Exist. Details Follow. (Anvil Press, 2012), which won the sole award given to an Anglo writer in 2013 by l'Académie de la vie littéraire au tournant du 21ême siècle.